Our Programs

Our Football Program 

ERFC is proud to offer football for girls, boys, women and men of all ages, from our talented and experienced elite players to those who are 'new to the game'. To find out more about our programs, select your area of interest below.

As always, we make every effort to mimimise the cost of playing football while continuing to offer a program that befits the Redbacks name. As has been the case for several years, our fees are ‘all-inclusive’ – you will not be asked for any other payments during the year. A $30 building fund continues to be added to fees to contribute towards the cost of our new clubrooms.

Note a credit card fee of 1.8% is charged by Football Australia, not the club. We continue to provide feedback to Football Australia about the size of this fee but regrettably Football Australia has not changed it.

Payment of fees must be received in full prior to Saturday the 29th of February. Players who have not completed registration and payment by this date will not be able to continue preseason training. Places may then be offered to those on our waiting lists.

Any member who did not participate in trials should contact the applicable coordinator to confirm that a place is available. Limited places exist.